For this weeks theme, we focus on war. War may not be good for much but for movies. It's good for everything. Although the best war movies may not have heroes, we rank the following movies to represent what the genre has to offer.
1.Transit (2018)
Transit is one of our weirdest movies. Filmed in a present-day Paris, its storyline reflects the second world war, as refugees fleeing Nazi occupation must find passage to America. The discrepancy takes the conflict out of time and creates an uncanniness which reframes not just WWII but also present conflict and migration
2.JarHead (2005)
Based on the book by Anthony Swafford, Jarhead features less of the expected war movie ideas such as bombing and conflict. Instead, it's a movie that focuses on increasing tension without any release, which can put audiences to the edge of their seat.
3.Fury (2014)
In the same boiling pot category of constant tension: this film's final act reflects a stereotypical comic superhero, it's first two-thirds offer some of the most intense, claustrophobic battle sequences of any film on this list, along with some intense dialogue to add a little touch.
4.1919 (2019)
Director Sam Mendes took everything he learned from filming Jarhead and dialled it up to a million. The film took a single unbroken take and instead of the cramped fighting the cinematography offers an entire horizon but no safe edge
5.Saving Private Ryan (1998)
This film is known for its technical and practical achievements. Although not at a popular position, this film strikes more jingoistic notes than it does nuance these days. That said Stevn Spielberg's direction totally changed the way cinema approaches warfare, and perhaps no other film has been able to capture the frentic violence of combat than this one.